Tackling My Acne Without Chemicals and Parabens

As I mentioned in my last post, I am ridding my daily beauty routine of chemicals.  So far I have stopped using my hair cream, face toner, face moisturizer, and body lotion.  I have replaced the hair creme and body lotion with coconut oil with great results so far (my hair has never looked better!).

Now I am tackling the rest of my face care products.  I have suffered from cystic acne since I was twelve and, as a result, have tried just about every product available over-the-counter, off infomercials, and from a doctor.  I’ve chemically burned my skin, deteriorated my muscles, and wasted hundreds (if not thousands…) of dollars.

So I’m ready to try something new and chemical-free.  My mom recently participated in the free Body Enlightenment Beauty Mini-Makeover and recommended I check out their recommendations for a natural way to tackle my acne.  As part of the promotion for the launch of this program, Paula Davis wrote a great post over on Tera Warner’s site about how she stopped being a Pimple Potion Junkie.

Inspired by Paula’s success and the easy steps laid out in the free e-program, I went out and bought my supplies.  I am slowly implementing one step a day to see how my skin reacts to the subtle changes.

My army:

Chemical Free Acne Treatment

Jojoba oil, tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, coconut oil, thyme essential oil, and a more natural (it still has chemicals) blemish concealer.  The blue glass bottle behind the concealer is to make a spritz with.

I’ve already began using the coconut oil and thyme essential oil before bed.  Today I am trying the jojoba oil as a cleanser and the new blemish concealer (I’m going to brave leaving the house WITHOUT foundation).  I will update you on my progress, including a post with progress pictures in the next couple weeks.